21 Killer Tips for Social Media Content

Social Media is one very intimidating aspect of marketing that technologically challenged entrepreneurs continue to find overwhelming. The truth is, Social Media does not need to be so technical to begin with. It should be more social as the name suggests. Think of Social Media as a way to let your customers “in” on howContinueContinue reading “21 Killer Tips for Social Media Content”

7 Deadly Sins in Marketing

Marketing is a very well established principle and one that has been practiced before it was even called that. If you think about it, the ancient world has definitely used advertising tactics when promoting a gladiator fight, a chariot race, or some royalty celebration. The similarities of entrepreneurs’ problems to another used to surprise me.ContinueContinue reading “7 Deadly Sins in Marketing”

AWARD-WINNING… what it means to me.

Receiving recognition and winning awards mean that I have an obligation to continue mentoring the younger generation through my career and showing them the essence of tenacity, determination, and work ethic.


Social Media Marketer, Sweeney Mae, shares her top 10 Best Apps that makes Social Media Management Easy!


Planning events require high level creativity not only with coordination but as well as with collaboration. A skilled event producer is also a skilled networker. Someone who knows how to utilize their “rolodex” when needed. Another important aspect of event production is marketing. Marketing includes a plethora of practices and principles that can help achieveContinueContinue reading “THE DETAILS OF EVENT PRODUCTION”


After watching the latest movie about Hercules, I can’t help but notice (right away) the importance of marketing that this movie focused on. The movie begins with his nephew telling what sounded like tall tales about Hercules and his victory against impossible opponents. Hercules’ nephew, Lolaus, was definitely the PR person of their group. Lolaus wasContinueContinue reading “HERCULES AND HIS MARKETING STRATEGY”


I love helping others. I love giving people ideas on how to be creative with their branding message or their business until one day, a person very dear to my heart told me to stop giving away ideas for free. That people need to pay me for everything I come up with. That I’m short-changingContinueContinue reading “A NEVER ENDING DOZE OF CREATIVITY”

14 Day Tips Challenge to Boost your Social Media Engagement

I’d like to invite you to join our 14 Day Tips Challenge to help boost your social media engagement. It’s so easy to join! Simply create graphics for your tips by choosing an existing photo and using a mobile app to add text on your photo. Brand it with your logo, website, name or socialContinueContinue reading “14 Day Tips Challenge to Boost your Social Media Engagement”